Friday, 19 October 2018

Clarification: Alignments and Archaic Alignments

All characters have an alignment, but not all characters have chosen one. No character needs to choose an alignment until after the reach 1st level. If you have not chosen an alignment, you are considered to be Neutral.

Archaic Alignments from MCC also exist in Ruined Toronto. Having an alignment does not preclude belonging to an Archaic Alignment. Belonging to an Archaic Alignmnet does not remove the requirement to choose an alignment.

Thus, Ruined Toronto can have Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic plantients, and wizards who belong to the Clan of Cognition.

Friday, 12 October 2018

DCC/MCC Clarifications

In Toronto Crawl Classics, MCC character classes use 1d20 as their base for Artifact Checks. DCC classes use 1d16. Classes specifically designed to interface with technology - such as Technologists, Technomancers, Weird Scientists, and, yes, MCC Shamans, use 1d24. AI Recognition rolls are unaffected.

The setting contains both humans and pure strain humans. If you roll up your characters using the MCC rules, pure strain humans are pure strain humans. Pure strain humans are not adept at magic, and take a -2d shift on the dice chain when making spell checks. However, they are immune to mutation and have Darwinian Luck. So there is that.

A note on AI Recognition rolls: Humans have the same +2 bonus as pure-strain humans. Halflings, dwarves, and elves, have the +1 bonus as though they were mutants without physical mutations. Other species have penalties of -1 to -4, or, in some cases, cannot succeed in an AI Recognition roll (as with plantients).

Idol Days on the Don

And so it begins.....The first of three funnels, followed by London Calling and Running the Red Path, to develop player characters.

Each player may bring 4 0-level PCs. PCs reach level 1 at 10 XP. Each funnel will offer its own opportunities, so feel free to play in all of them if you wish!