Monday, 9 November 2015

Adjusting Class

Perhaps you are considering a Warrior who, like Conan, can climb walls and locate traps. Perhaps you want a Thief who, like the Gray Mouser, knows a bit of magic. Perhaps you would rather your Halfling caused birds to fly away and rabbits to flee when e stoops to pick up a rock, as with Bilbo in The Hobbit. Or maybe your elf is more fight-y and less spell-y than the average elf.

The Occupations roll in Dungeon Crawl Classics goes a long way to differentiate characters, if you can remember that your Wizard was once also a blacksmith (or, in Toronto Crawl Classics, possibly a bike courier). There is a big chance between a skill check made with 1d10 and 1d20. Even a lowly gongfarmer should hope to find situations where his knowledge is handy…perhaps even a +1d bonus when saving to tolerate a foul odor!

Sometimes occupation is insufficient for what you want, though. Other game systems use widgets like feats and skill points to differentiate characters. Dungeon Crawl Classics says, “Quest For It”. I will take a middle road and say, if you want to make a minor adjustment to your character’s class…or, hell, even a moderate adjustment….propose it.

“Bob’s never going to be a Lucky Halfling…could I give up a Halfling’s special relationship with Luck to gain a full complement of Thief skills?”

Depending upon what you are asking, the answer will be “Sure” or “Quest For It”. In the event that you need to Quest For It, I will either give you something specific to accomplish or leave it to you to discover, probably with some clue as to how to go about it. I.e.:

“Your elf might be able to tolerate iron if she bathed in the blood of the dragon that dwells in Wonder Mountain.”

“Your warrior wants a Luck Die like a Thief? Well, the nomadic Bone Folk might know a way, but they are only in the area of Ruined Toronto around the springtime, and they are known to eat people.”

The only important restriction here is that, in Toronto Crawl Classics, humans are special. Only humans have a clerical relationship with the gods.


You have two options. One, you can use “half-levels”, as described here and in Crawl #10. This method trades XP for versatility.

The second option trades time and effort for versatility. You need to locate a powerful mentor, who can train you in the second class. In this case, you trade game time (when the character is training, he is not available) for the additional class.

In neither case do benefits “stack”: you gain the more favourable of the two possible benefits. Each time you gain sufficient XP for a new level, you decide which class it applies to. Since no character can have more than 10 total levels, both methods ensure that no character can possibly be the best in all things. You either have a great deal of ability in a narrow focus, or you have a smaller amount of ability with a wider focus.

New Classes

Finally, if you wish, you may devise an entirely new class for your PC. The same rules apply here as with any third-party class: You must have a copy, I must have a copy, and I require time to okay the class. If you aren’t trying to “game the system”, I will probably approve it. I might approve it contingent on one or more adjustments, however.

If you devise a new class, I will also determine that it is a “one off” (i.e., no one but you will get to play it, and no other character of yours will get to be it) or open it up to the table.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Non-Human Classes

If 90% of the playable characters in the environs of Ruined Toronto are human, the other 10% are not. In addition to the three core Demi-Humans in the DCC rulebook (Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling), the following race-classes are relatively common.

FaerieAnimal (with a local species table specific to Ruined Toronto) , Gnome, MoktarMutant, Robot, Simian, Tiefling, Warforged, and Zaria. Again, when Mutant Crawl Classics hits the shelved, the non-human classes from that book will also be rolled into the mix, as appropriate. I have no problem with having a Crawling Under a Broken Moon mutant and a Mutant Crawl Classics mutant in the same campaign.
Ten percent of all non-humans (and therefore 1% of all characters) are "exotics". This is your chance to play an Avarian, a Ghost, a Kith, a Moon Dweller Psionicist, or even a Scrappler. The same rules apply as with non-standard human classes - you need a copy, and I need a copy. I will also need a chance to look it over. If it is published for DCC the odds are extremely good that I have a copy.

Dungeon Crawl Classics uses "Race as Class" for non-humans, but I have no problem with a player who wishes (for example) a Dwarven RunePriest.  Much more on this in the next post.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Human Classes

Fully 90% of playable inhabitants of the Toronto Ruins and the villages and towns in their immediate vicinity (and sometimes within the Ruins themselves) are human. The other 10% are comprised of elves, dwarves, halflings, and even stranger creatures.

Among humans, players may roll percentiles, or simply choose, to determine descent. Players are encouraged to roll 1d3 times – many people in Ruined Toronto are of mixed heritage. Roll 1d100: (01-07) English , (08-11) Chinese, (12-13) Japanese, (14-18) Irish, (19-22) Scottish, (23-26) Indian, (27-29) Italian, (30-32) Filipino, (33-35), German, (36-38) French, (39-40) Polish, (41-42) Portuguese, (43-45) Jamaican, (46-47) Jewish, or (48) Ukrainian, (49) Russian, (50) Sri Lankan, (51) Spanish, (52) Greek, (53) Korean, (54) Dutch, (55) Iranian, (56) Vietnamese, (57) Pakistani, (58) Hungarian, (59) Guyanese, (60) Welsh, (61) Afghan, (62) Arabic, (63) Barbadian, (64) Bangladeshi, (65) Bulgarian, (66) Colombian, (67) Croatian, (68) Ecuadorian, (69) Ethiopian, (70) Grenadian, (71) Macedonian, (72) Mexican, (73) Nepali, (74) Romanian, (75) Salvadoran, (76) Serbian, (77) Somalian, (78) Tibetan, (79) Trinidadian, (80) Vincentian, (81-82) Métis, (83) Inuit, (84) Algonquin, (85) Anishinabeg, (86) Chippewa, (87) Delaware, (88) Hiawatha, (89) Mohawk, (90) Cree, (91) Iroquois, (92) Mattagami, (93) Mississaug, (94) Ojibway, (95) Oneida, (96) Onondaga, (97) Saugeen, (98-99) other First Nation, (00) non-human.

In the event of non-human descent, roll 1d16: (1-5) Elvish, (6-7) Halfling, (8) Goblinoid, (9-10) Bestial (roll 1d7: 1 Feline, 2 Canine, 3 Ursine, 4 Reptilian, 5 Piscine, 6 Cetacean, 7 Other), (11) Alien, (12-13) Faerie. (14-15) Demonic, (16) Other. Whether or not non-human descent has any in-game statistical effect will be determined by the judge on a case-by-case basis. Player input is most definitely solicited!

Human characters may select from any of the human classes in the Dungeon Crawl Classics core rulebook (Cleric, Thief, Warrior, or Wizard). In addition, they may choose from the following additional classes. Note that this is an inclusive, not an exclusive list. If you wish to play a Blood Witch  or a Paladin, I will help you make that happen. You must have a copy of the class, you must make sure that I have a copy of the class, and I need the time to make sure it is reasonably “balanced” with the core classes.

The most common human classes in Ruined Toronto, apart from the standard four, are: Cyborg, DruidMad Scientist, Monk, Petrol Head, Psychic Knight, Scavenger, Skate Hero, Technologist, Technomancer, and Witch. Alternate classes from Mutant Crawl Classics will be rolled in when they become available. 

(Some attempt was made to correlate diversity with Census information, but the attempt was limited because the data totaled more than 100%. You can absolutely choose ethnicities not listed on the above chart!)


Tuesday, 3 November 2015


A rift occurred in history, dividing our universe from that of Toronto Crawl Classics. The year was 1974. The incident was the publication of Dungeons & Dragons in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. In our world, millions benefited from a harmless, and often educational, hobby. In the world of Toronto Crawl Classics, though, Jack Chick was right – the game released real magic into the world, and it was not altogether benign.

Some say that the burst of technology which followed was keyed to that magic. Some say that great occult powers seeking to bargain with humanity aided researchers seeking to understand the remains of a crash in New Mexico. Whatever the truth may be, the Toronto That Was knew technologies we do not, in part resembling the future glimpsed in 80s cartoons, with robots, energy weapons, and other devices, some of which still function.

The cataclysm came with a great display in the heavens. The world shook. Buildings fell. Stars reeled in their courses. Many people simply…disappeared, never to be seen again. Creatures from mythology, nightmare, and storybooks began to appear. It was as though the boundary between the real world and the human collective unconsciousness momentarily dissolved, allowing things to seep through.

That was over two centuries ago. The campaign begins in the Common Year 105 PC (Post Cataclysm), sometimes known as 2220 AD based on the calendars of the Ancients. The great technologies of the past are a memory. Magic is real. Gods involve themselves in worldly affairs. And, as always, people have adapted.